- "A Universal Basic Income in Kenya", with Abhijit Banerjee, Alan Krueger, Michael Faye and Paul Niehaus.
- Status: First endline survey in the field in Fall 2019. First results early 2020
- A Universal Basic Income in Kenya: Project Description
- A Universal Basic Income in Kenya: AEA Trial Registry
- "Effects of the Internet in Kenya", with Kamal Bhattacharya.
- "Mobile Money and Women's Economic Empowerment".
- Final survey in the field Fall 2019
- "Improving Management of Small Firms in Kenya", with John Van Reenen.
- Baseline launched in January 2022
- "Reducing Default and Improving Resilience on Digital Credit", with Suleiman Asman.
Ongoing Projects
Tavneet Suri
Louis E. Seley Professor of Applied Economics
Professor, Applied Economics
100 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Office Number E62-522Email tavneet@mit.eduPhone Number (617) 253-7159Connect with Tavneet