New VoxDevTalks Podcast
What are the effects of a universal basic income in Kenya?
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Featured Research
"Credit Access, Selection, and Incentives in a Market for Asset-Collateralized Loans: Evidence From Kenya."
Jack, William, Michael Kremer, Joost de Laat, and Tavneet Suri. The Review of Economic Studies. Forthcoming."Agricultural Technology in Africa."
Suri, Tavneet and Christopher Udry. Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 36, No. 1 (2022): 33-56."Fintech and Household Resilience to Shocks: Evidence from Digital Loans in Kenya."
Suri, Tavneet, Prashant Bharadwaj, and William Jack. Journal of Development Economics Vol. 153, (2021).Media Highlights
How Bad Data Fed the Ebola Epidemic
Tavneet Suri weighs in on bad data in a New York Times Op Ed piece.
Mobile Banking Lifts Hundreds of Thousands from Poverty
Allowing users to send and receive money on mobile phones significantly reduced poverty in Kenya.
Mobile Banking and Financial Inclusion
Professors Tavneet Suri and Billy Jack respond to a Slate article about financial inclusion in Kenya.