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Retsef Levi

Retsef Levi is the J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Operations Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Levi is affiliated with the MIT Operations Research Center and is the MIT Sloan Co-Director of the Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) Program.

Retsef Levi, J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management

Areas of Interest

  • Food Supply Chain Analytics and Sensing Initiative (FSAS)
  • Supply Chain, Logistics and Revenue Management Optimization
  • Health Systems
  • Approximation Algorithm to Multistage Stochastic Optimization Models
  • Data-driven Algorithms
  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Risk Management

Online Courses

Professional Certificate in Data Science and Analytics

Delivered in collaboration with Emeritus

Featured Research

"Computing Provably Near-Optimal Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control Models," under the supervision of Robin Roundy and David Shmoys (PhD Thesis)

Refereed Journals

Improving Farmers’ Income on Online Agri-platforms: Evidence from the Field" Retsef Levi, Manoj Rajan, Somya Singhvi & Yanchong Zheng (To appear in MSOM), 2023

Note: First place winner of the 4th POMS Applied Research Challenge, Winner of Best Paper Award: INFORMS 2020 Public Sector Operations Research, College of Supply Chain Management, Winner of 2020 MSOM Responsible Research Award, Winner of 2020 INFORMS Public Sector Operations Research Section Best Paper Award, First Prize, 2020 POMS College of Supply Chain Management Best Student Paper Competition (Singhvi), First Place, 2020 POMS College of Behavioral Operations Management Junior Scholar Paper Competition (Singhvi), Finalist, 2020 POMS Applied Research, Challenge, Winner of 2019 INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR Competition (Singhvi))

“Matters Arising: Safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination during pregnancy - obstetric outcomes from a large cohort study: Methodological biases in study design with potential impact on the study’s interpretation”, (To appear in BMC Childbirth), 2023, Retsef Levi and Efrat Schurr

“The Limits to Learning a Diffusion Model” Jackie Baek, Vivek F. Farias, Andreea Georgescu, Retsef Levi, Tianyi Peng, Deeksha Sinha, Joshua Wilde, Andrew Zheng (To appear in Management Science), 2023

“Predicting the spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants: An artificial intelligence enabled early detection”, Retsef Levi, Shoshi Altuvia and El Ghali Ahmed Zerhouni, PNAS Nexus, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2024, pgad424.

“Effect of mRNA Vaccine Manufacturing Processes on Efficacy and Safety Still an Open Question”, Josh Guetzkow and Retsef Levi, BMJ (Rapid Response), 2023

“Competitive Algorithms for the Online Minimum Peak Appointment Scheduling" Célia Escribe, Michael Hu, Retsef Levi, Operations Research, 2023. doi: 10.1287/opre.2021.0080

“Development and Application of a Data-Driven Signal Detection Method for Surveillance of Adverse Event Variability Across Manufacturing Lots of Biologics” Retsef Levi, Stacy Springs, Joshua Wilde, and Jacqueline Wolfrum, Drug Safety, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40264-023-01349-6

"Evaluation and Implementation of a Just-In-Time Bed-Assignment Strategy to Reduce Wait Times for Surgical Inpatients." Aleida Braaksma, Martin S. Copenhaver, Ana C. Zenteno, Elizabeth Ugarph, Retsef Levi, Bethany J. Daily, Benjamin Orcutt, Kathryn M. Turcotte, and Peter F. Dunn. Healthcare Management Science Online, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s10729-023-09638-3

“Scheduling with Testing of Heterogeneous Jobs" Retsef Levi, Yaron Shaposhnik and Thomas Magnanti, Management Science Online, 2023. https://doi.oíg/10.1287/mnsc.2023.4833

"Machine Learning for the Discovery of Molecular Recognition Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Corona-Phases” Xun Gong, Nicholas Renegar, Retsef Levi and Michael Strano. Computational Materials: Article 8, 135 (2022).

“Increases Emergency Cardiovascular Events Among Under-40 Population in Israel During Vaccine Rollout and Third Covid-19 Wave” Christopher Sun, Eli Jaffe, Retsef Levi, Scientific Reports, 2022; 12(1): 6978 doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-10928-z.

“Understanding Primary Care Physicians’ Work via Text Analytics on EHR Inbox Messages” Celia Escribe, Stephanie A. Eisenstat, Walter O’Donnell and Retsef Levi, American Journal of Managed Care, 2022 Jan 1; 28(1): e24-e30. doi: 10.37765/ajmc.2022.88817

"Understanding Physician Work and Well-Being Through Social Network Modelling Using Electronic Health Record Data: A Cohort Study" Célia Escribe, Stephanie A. Eisenstat, Kerri Palamara, Walter J. O’Donnell, Jason H. Wasfy, Marcela G. Del Carmen, Sara R. Lehrhoff, Marjory, A. Bravard and Retsef Levi, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2022 January 28; 37, 3789 – 3796.

“A Risk-Sharing Pricing Contract for Healthcare Referral Services” Fernanda Bravo, Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis and Gonzalo Romero, Production of Operations Management, 2022, 65 (3): 1322-1341.

"The Link Between Food Safety and Zoonotic Disease Risks at Wholesale and Wet Markets in China", Jennifer Gao, Retsef Levi and Nick Renegar, Scientific Reports: 12, 21650 (2022).

“Public health risks arising from food supply chains: Challenges and opportunities”, Lu Chen, Donovan Guttieres, Retsef Levi, Elisabeth Paulson, Georgia Perakis, Nicholas Renegar and Stacy Springs, Naval Research Logistics, Volume 68, Issue8, Special Issue: OR Models for Developmental Studies, December 2021, Pages 1098-1112

"Worse Cardiac Arrest Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic In Boston Can Be Attributed to Patient Reluctance to Seek Care." Sun, Christopher L.F., Sophia Dyer, James Salvia, Laura Segal, and Retsef Levi, Health Affairs, Volume 40 (6), May 2021, pages 886-895

“Optimization Driven Framework to Understand Health Care Network Costs and Resource Allocation.” Health Care Management Science, 24(3):640–660, 2021.

“Artificial Shortage in Agricultural Supply Chains” Retsef Levi, Somya Singhvi, Yanchong Zheng, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 24 (2): 691 – 1260.

"Food Safety Inspection and the Adoption of Traceability in Aquatic Wholesale Markets: A Game- theoretic Model and Empirical Evidence" Retsef Levi, Cangyu Jin, Qioa Liang, Nicholas Renegar & Jiehong Zhou, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Volume 20 (10), 2021, 2807-2819

“Testing at the Source: Analytics-Enabled Risk-Based Sampling of Food Supply Chains in China” Retsef Levi, Cangyu Jin, Qiao Liang, Nicholas Renegar, Stacy Springs, Jiehong Zhou, Weihua Zhou (Management Science, Volume 67 (5), pages 2657-3320, 2021)

 “Assortment Optimization under Consider-then-Choose Choice Models” Ali Aouad, Vivek Farias and Retsef Levi, Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 6, June 2021 Pages 3321- 3984

“Predicting Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection Risk and Related Risk Drivers in Nursing Homes: A Machine Learning Approach” Christopher L. F. Sun, Eugenio Zuccarelli, El Ghali A. Zerhouni, Jason Lee, James Muller, Karen M. Scott, Alida M. Lujan, and Retsef Levi, JAMDA, Volume 21, Issue 11, November 2020, Pages 1533-1538.e6

“Economically Motivated Adulteration in Farming Supply Chains.” Retsef Levi, Somya Singhvi, and Yanchong Zheng. Management Science (2020), Volume 66 (1), pages 209-226.

“The Impact of Unifying Agricultural Wholesale Markets: on Market Prices and Farmers' Profitability” Retsef Levi, Manoj Rajan, Somya Singhvi, Yanchong Zheng, PNAS February 4, 2020, Volume 117 (5), pages 2366-2371

Note: MSOM, *winner of the MSOM 2020 Responsible Research Award, recipient of People’s Choice Award, 2020 Early-career Sustainable Operations Workshop (Singhvi), winner of 2020 POMS College of Sustainable Operations Student Paper Competition (Singhvi))

“Strategic Capacity Planning Problems in Revenue Sharing Joint Ventures” Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, Cong Shi, and Wei Sun. Production and Operations Management, Volume 29 (3), 2020, pages 64-687

“Development and validation of a machine learning model to aid discharge processes in surgical inpatients” Kyan Safavi, Taghi Khaniyev, Martin Copenhaver, Mark Seelen, Ana Zenteno Langle, Jonathan Zanger, Bethany Daily, Retsef Levi, Peter Dunn, JAMA Network Open. 2019; 2(12)

“Health Systems Innovation: Analytics in Action” Martin S. Copenhaver, Michael Hu, Retsef Levi, Kyan Safavi, M.D., Ana Cecelia Zenteno Langle, Tutorials in Operations Research, October 2019

“Non-clinical delays in transfer out of the ICU are associated with increased hospital length of stay and delayed progress of care” Jazmin Furtado, Kyan C Safavi, David Scheinker, Ana Cecilia Zenteno Langle, Retsef Levi and Peter Dunn, 2019, Journal of Critical Care, Volume 50, pages 126-131

“Near-Optimality of Uniform Co-payments for Subsidies and Tax Allocation Problems” Gonzalo Romero, Retsef Levi and Georgia Perakis, Operations Research, volume 67 (2), pages 548– 561, March-April 2019

“Scheduling with Testing” Retsef Levi, Tom Magnanti and Yaron Shaposhnik, 2013, Management Science, Volume 65 (2), pages 776–793, February 2019

“Greedy-Like Algorithms for Dynamic Assortment Planning Under Multinomial Logit Preferences” Ali Aouad, Danny Segev and Retsef Levi, Operations Research, Volume 66 (5), pages 1321-1345, November 2018

“The Approximability of Assortment Optimization under Ranking Preferences” Ali Aouad, Vivek Farias, Retsef Levi and Danny Segev, Operations Research, volume 66 (6), pages 1661–1669, November 2018

“Changing the patient safety paradigm” Jennifer Stevens, Retsef Levi and Kenneth Sands, 2016 (published in advance in Journal of Patient Safety)

“Approximation Algorithms for Dynamic Assortment Optimization Models” Ali Aouad, Retsef Levi and Danny Segev, 2019, Mathematics of Operations Research, Articles in Advance, Volume 44(2), pages 377-766

“Translating a Biologic Revolution into an Organizational Overhaul” Kimia Ghobadi, Cecilia Zenteno, Adam Marshall, Peter Dunn, Retsef Levi and John Stone, Catalyst, New England Journal of Medicine, February 2017

"Revenue Management of Reusable Resources with Advanced Reservations" Yiwei Chen, Retsef Levi and Cong Shi, POMS, Volume 26 (5), pages 836-859, May 2017)

"Provably Near-Optimal Balancing Policies for Stochastic Multi-Echelon Inventory Control Models" Retsef Levi, Robin Roundy and Van Anh Truong, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 42 (1), pages 256-276, 2017

“On the Effectiveness of Uniform Subsidies in Increasing Market Consumption” Retsef Levi Georgia Perakis and Gonzalo Romero, Management Science, Volume 63 (1), pages 40-57, 2017

“The Submodular Joint Replenishment Problem” Maurice Cheung, Adam Elmachtoub, Retsef Levi and David Shmoys, Mathematical Programming, Volume 158 (1-2), pages 207– 233, 2016

“Systematic OR Block Allocation in Large Academic Medical Centers” Tim Carnes, Cecilia Zenteno, Retsef Levi, Devon Price, Peter Dunn and Bethany Daily, Annals of Surgery, Volume 264 (6), pages 973–981, 2016

"Supply Chain Management and Logistics Models with Online Customer Selection" Adam Elmachtoub and Retsef Levi, Operations Research, Volume 64 (2), pages 458- 473, 2016

"Near-Optimal Algorithms for the Assortment Planning Problem Under Dynamic Substitution and Stochastic Demand" Vineet Goyal, Retsef Levi and Danny Segev, Operations Research, Volume 64 (1), pages 219-235, 2016

"The Data Driven Newsvendor Problem – New Bounds and Insights" Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, Joline Uichanco, Operations Research, Volume 63 (6), pages 1294-1306, 2015

“From Cost Sharing Mechanisms to Online Selection Problems” Adam Elmachtoub and Retsef Levi, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 40 (3), pages 542-557, 2015

“Nature and Sources of Variability in Surgical Case Duration” Fernanda Bravo, Lynne Ferrari, Retsef Levi and Mike McManus, Pediatric Anesthesia, Volume 25 (10), pages 999- 1006, 2015

“Pooled Open Blocks Shorten Wait Times for Non-Elective Surgical Cases” Ana C. Zenteno, Tim Carnes, Retsef Levi, Bethany Daily, Devon Price, Sue Moss and Peter Dunn, Annals of Surgery, Volume 262 (1), pages 60–67, 2015

“Maintenance and Flight Scheduling of Low Observable Aircraft” Philip Cho, Vivek Farias, John Kessler, Retsef Levi and Thomas Magnanti, Naval Research Logistics, Volume 62 (1), pages 6080, February 2015

“A continuous knapsack problem with separable convex utilities: Approximation algorithms and applications” Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis and Gonzalo Romero, Operations Research Letters, Issue 42 (5), pages 367–373, 2014

“Matching Supply and Demand: Delayed Two-Phase Distribution at Yedioth Group- Models, Algorithms and Information Technology” Assaf Avrahami, Yale Herer and Retsef Levi, Interfaces, Volume 44 (5), pages 445–460, 2014

Note: Awarded the 2013 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice*

"Maintenance Scheduling for Modular Systems – New Models and Algorithms" Retsef Levi, Tom Magnanti, Jack Muckstadt, Danny Segev and Eric Zarybnisky, Naval Research Logistics, Volume 61 (6), pages 472–488, September 2014

Note: Awarded the 2016 Harold W. Kuhn Award, an annual prize which recognizes an exceptional paper published in Naval Research Logistics*

 “Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Stochastic Inventory Systems with Setup Cost” Xiuli Chao, Retsef Levi, Cong Shi and Huanan Zhang, Naval Research Logistics, Volume 61 (4), pages 304– 319, June 2014

"Efficient Formulations for Product Pricing Under Attraction Demand Models" Phil Keller, Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, Mathematical Programming, Volume 145 (1-2), pages 223-261, June 2014

“Delay of Transfer from the Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Observational Study of Incidence, Causes and Financial Impact” Daniel W. Johnson, Ulrich Schmidt, Edward A. Bittner, Benjamin Christensen, Retsef Levi and Richard M. Pino, Critical Care, Volume 17: R128, 2013

"Online Make-to-Order Joint Replenishment Model: Primal-Dual Competitive Algorithms" Niv Buchbinder, Tracy Kimbrel, Retsef Levi, Konstantin Makarychev and Maxim Sviridenko, Operations Research, Volume 61 (4), pages 1014-1029, July-August 2013

"Approximation Algorithms for the Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problem with Order Lead Times" Retsef Levi and Cong Shi, Operations Research, Volume 61 (3), pages 593-602, May- June 2013

Note: Won the 2009 Nicholson Student Paper Competition

“NP-Hardness Proof for the Assembly Problem with Stationary Setup and Additive Holding Costs” Retsef Levi and Liron Yedidsion, Operations Research Letters, Volume 41 (2), Pages 134–137, March 2013

Commentaries to “The Vital Role of Operations Analysis in Improving Healthcare Delivery” Retsef Levi and Ann Prestipino (Manufacturing & Services Operations Management (MSOM), Volume 14 (4), pages 499-504, fall 2012) *invited paper for special issue on Healthcare Operations Management

“Modeling the Impact of Changing Patient Transportation System on Perioperative Process Performance in a Large Hospital: Insights from a Computer Simulation Study” Danny Segev, Retsef Levi, Peter Dunn, Warren Sandberg, Health Care Management Science, Volume 15 (2), pages 155169, June 2012

"Technical Note- A Sampling-based Approach to Appointment Scheduling" Mehmet Begen, Retsef Levi and Maurice Queyranne, Operations Research, Volume 60 (3), pages 675-681, June 2012

"LP-based Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location" Retsef Levi, David Shmoys and Chaitanya Swamy, Mathematical Programming, Volume 131 (1-2), pages 365-379, February 2012

"Approximation Algorithms for Supply Chain Planning and Logistics Problems with Market Choice" Joseph Geunes, Retsef Levi, Edwin Romeijn and David Shmoys, Mathematical Programming, Volume 130 (1), pages 85-106, November 2011

"Adaptive Data-Driven Inventory Control Policies Based on Kaplan-Meier Estimator" Tim Huh, Retsef Levi, Paat Rusmevichientong and Jim Orlin, Operations Research, Volume 59(4), pages 929-941, July 2011

"Provably Near-Optimal Approximation Algorithms for Operations Management Models" Retsef Levi, INFORMS Tutorials in Operations Research, Chapter 8, pages 179- 192, 2014

"Provably Near-Optimal LP-Based Policies for Revenue Management in Systems with Reusable Resources" Retsef Levi and Ana Radovanovic, Operations Research, Volume 58 (2), pages 503-507, March-April 2010

"Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Multi-Item Lot-Sizing Problem Via Flow-Cover Inequalities" Retsef Levi, Andrea Lodi and Maxim Sviridenko, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 33 (2), pages 461-474, May 2008

"A 2-Approximation Algorithm for Stochastic Inventory Control Models with Lost Sales" Retsef Levi, Ganesh Janakiraman and Mahesh Nagarajan, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 33 (2), pages 351-374, May 2008

Note: Awarded the “2008 Optimization Prize for Young Researchers” by INFORMS Optimization Society*

"A Constant Approximation Algorithm for the One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem" Retsef Levi, Robin Roundy, David Shmoys and Maxim Sviridenko, Management Science, Volume 54 (4), pages 763–776, April 2008

"Provably Near-Optimal Sampling-Based Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control Models" Retsef Levi, Robin Roundy and David Shmoys, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 32 (4), pages 821-839, November 2007

"Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Inventory Control Models" Retsef Levi, Martin Pál, Robin Roundy and David Shmoys, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 32 (2), pages 284-302, May 2007

Note: Awarded first prize in the 2004 MSOM Student Paper Competition*

"Primal-Dual Algorithms for Deterministic Inventory Problems" Retsef Levi, Robin Roundy and David Shmoys, Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 31 (2), pages 267-284, February 2006

Submitted Papers

"Documentation Classification Using Reference Information," Retsef Levi, Evan Yao, Josh Wilde, (Submitted to Management Science), 2024

“Reducing Food Waste through a Reservation Scheme,” Emily Zhang, Georgia Perakis, Retsef Levi (Submitted to Management Science), 2024.

“Improved Intra-Hospital Transport Time via Proximity-Based Staff Assignments,” Christopher Sun, Martin S. Copenhaver, Ana Cecilia Zenteno Langle, Bruno Viscomi, Ed Raeke, Bethany J. Daily, Peter Dunn, Retsef Levi (Submitted to Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association), 2024.

“Supply Chain Network Analytics Guiding Food Regulatory Operational Policy,” Retsef Levi, Nicholas Renegar, Stacy Springs, Tauhid Zaman, (Submitted to Production and Operations Management), 2024

“Designing Inclusive Offerings,” Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis and Elisabeth Paulson (Under review in Management Science), 2024

“Supply Chain Characteristics as Predictors of Cyber Risk: A Machine-Learning Assessment,” Kevin Hu, Retsef Levi and Rafi Yahalom (Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing), 2023

“A Prescriptive Optimization Approach to Identification of Minimal Barriers for Surgical Patients,” Taghi Khaniyev, Kyan Safavi, Martin Copenhaver, Ana Cecilia Zenteno Langle, Keren S. Starobinski, Bethany Daily, Peter F. Dunn and Retsef Levi (Submitted to MSOM – revision requested), 2023

“Sparse Solutions for the Unbounded Minimum Knapsack Problem with Procurement Applications,” Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, and Gonzalo Romero (Submitted to Management Science), 2021

“Picking Multi-item Orders in a Warehouse: Data, Models and Simulation,” Daniel Chen, Retsef Levi and Georgia Perakis (Submitted to Management Science), 2021

"Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: The Impact of Access and Value,” Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis and Elisabeth Paulson, 2021. MIT Sloan Research Paper No. 5389-18. Available at SSRN:

“Optimal interventions for increasing healthy food consumption among low-income populations,” Elisabeth Paulson, Retsef Levi & Georgia Perakis (Under second revision in Management Science), 2021

“Submodular Batch Scheduling for Warehouse Picking,” Daniel Chen, Retsef Levi and Georgia Perakis (Submitted to Mathematical Programming), 2021

“Robustly minimizing a piecewise-linear cost function with respect to uncertainty in mixed Demand,” Daniel Chen, Retsef Levi and Georgia Perakis, (Submitted to Production and Operations Management), 2021

“Reverse information sharing: Reducing costs in supply chains with yield uncertainty,” Pavithra Harsha, Ashish Jagmohan, Retsef Levi, Elisabeth Paulson & Georgia Perakis (Reject and resubmit from Management Science), 2021

Retsef’s Affiliations

Operations Management Group

Operations management has become increasingly important in an era in which resources can often be in short supply and customer expectations have skyrocketed.

Leaders for Global Operations

LGO partners with elite companies to provide research fellowships and places graduates in high-tech roles.

Operations Research Center

MIT’s Operations Research Center (ORC) is the world’s premier graduate program in operations research (OR).