- Articles
- Articles
- Books
- Other Types of Publications
- "The Dynamic Capabilities of Meta-Multinationals." Lessard, Donald, David Teece, and Sohvi Leih. Global Strategy Journal Vol. 6, No. 3 (2016): 211-224. [Paper on SSRN].
- "House of Project Complexity- Understanding Complexity in Large Engineering Projects." Lessard, Donald, Vivek Sakhrani and Roger Miller. Engineering Project Organization Journal Vol. 4, No. 4 (2014): 170-192.
- "Strategic Partnering in Oil and Gas: A Capabilities Perspective." Rodrigo Garcia, Donald Lessard and Aditya Singh. Energy Strategy Reviews Vol. 3C, (2014): 21-29.
- "Embracing Risk as a Core Competence: the Case of CEMEX." Lessard, Donald and Rafel Lucea. Journal of International Management Vol. 15, No. 3 (2009): 296-305.
- "MIT Roundtable on Risk Management." Lessard, Donald. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 20, No. 4 (2008): 20-38.
- "Real Asset Valuation: A Back-to-Basics Approach." Laughton, David, Raul Guerrero and Donald Lessard. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 20, No. 2 (2008): 46-65.
- "Regaining the Edge for International Business Research." Buckley, Peter J. and Donald Lessard. Journal of International Business Studies Vol. 36, (2005): 595-599.
- "Frameworks for Global Strategic Analysis." Lessard, Donald. Journal of Strategic Management Education Vol. 1, No. 1 (2003): 81-92.
- "Understanding and Managing Risks in Large Engineering Projects." Miller, Roger and Donald Lessard. International Journal of Project Management Vol. 19, No. 8 (2001): 437-443.
- "Incorporating Country Risk in the Valuation of Offshore Projects." Lessard, Donald. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 9, No. 3 (1996): 52-63.
- "Breaking the Silos: Distributed Knowledge and Strategic Responses to Volatile Exchange Rates." Lessard, Donald and Srilata Zaheer. Strategic Management Journal Vol. 17, No. 7 (1996): 513-533.
- "Financial Risk Management for Developing Countries: A Policy Overview." Lessard, Donald. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 8, No. 3 (1995): 4-18.
- "Coping with International Accounting Diversity: Fund Managers' Views on Disclosure, Reconciliation, and Harmonization." Bhushan, Ravi and Donald R. Lessard. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting Vol. 4, No. 2 (1992): 149-164.
- "Corporate Finance in the 1990's -- Implications of a Changing Competitive and Financial Context." Lessard, Donald. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 3 (1989): 209-231.
- "Panama's International Banking Center: The Direct Employment Effects." Lessard, Donald and Adrian Tschoegl. Journal of Banking and Finance Vol. 12, No. 1 (1988): 43-50.
- "Finance and Global Competition: Exploiting Financial Scope and Coping with Volatile Exchange Rates." Lessard, Donald. Midland Corporate Finance Journal (1986): 6-29.
- "On the Measurement of Operating Exposure to Exchange Rates: A Conceptual Approach." Flood, Eugene and Donald Lessard. Financial Management Vol. 15, No. 1 (1986): 25-36.
- "Appropriate Financing for Petroleum Development in Developing Countries." Agmon, Tamir, Donald Lessard and James Paddock. The Energy Journal Vol. 5, No. 3 (1984): 27-40.
- "Contract Efficiency and Natural Resource Investment in Developing Countries." Blitzer, Charles, Panos Cavoulacos and Donald Lessard. Columbia Journal of International Business Vol. 19, No. 1 (1984).
- "Guidelines for Global Financing Choices." Lessard, Donald and Alan Shapiro. Midland Corporate Finance Journal (1984): 181-193.
- "Risk Bearing and the Choice of Contract Forms for Oil Exploration and Development." Blitzer, Charles, Donald Lessard and James L. Paddock. The Energy Journal Vol. 5, No. 1 (1984): 1-28.
- "North-South: The Implications for Banking." Lessard, Donald. Journal of Banking and Finance Vol. 7, No. 4 (1983): 521-536.
- "Budgetary Timebomb? Controlling Government Loan Guarantees." Baldwin, Carliss, Donald Lessard and Scott Mason. Canadian Journal of Public Policy Vol. 9, No. 3 (1983): 338-346.
- "The Effect of Inflation on Stock Prices: International Evidence." Cohn, Richard and Donald Lessard. Journal of Finance Vol. 36, No. 2 (1981): 277-289.
- "Borrower Attitudes toward Alternative Mortgage Instruments." Colton, Kent, Donald Lessard and Arthur P. Solomon. Real Estate Economics Vol. 7, No. 4 (1979): 581-609.
- "Investor Recognition of Corporate International Diversification." Agmon, Tamir and Donald Lessard. The Journal of Finance Vol. 32, No. 4 (1977): 1049-1055.
- "Estrategias Financieras Externas Eficientes en Cuanto a Riesgo para Países Productores de Bienes Primarios." Lessard, Donald. Cuadernos de Economía Vol. 14, No. 42 (1977): 21-40.
- "Currency Changes and Management Control: Resolving the Centralization/ Decentralization Dilemma." Lessard, Donald and Peter Lorange. Accounting Review Vol. 52, No. 3 (1977): 628-637.
- "Large-Scale Direct OPEC Investment in US Enterprise and the Theory of Direct Foreign Investment - A Contradiction?" Lessard, Donald and S. Kobrin. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (1976): 1-10.
- "The Multinational Firm as Vehicle for International Diversification: Implications for Capital Importing Countries." Lessard, Donald. Revista Brasileira de Mercados de Capitais (1976): 1-30.
- "Recent Research on Indexation and the Housing Market." Guttentag, Jack, Richard Cohn and Donald Lessard. Journal of Finance Vol. 31, No. 2 (1976): 403-413.
- "World, Country, and Industry Relationships in Equity Returns: Implications for Risk Reduction through International Diversification." Lessard, Donald. Financial Analyst's Journal Vol. 32, No. 1 (1976): 32-38.
- "En Defensa de una Unión Latinoamericana de Inversiones." Lessard, Donald. El Trimestre Económico Vol. 42, No. 1 (1975).
- "International Portfolio Diversification: A Multivariate Analysis for a Group of Latin American Countries." Lessard, Donald. Journal of Finance Vol. 28, No. 3 (1973): 619-633.
- Strategic Management of Large Engineering Projects: Shaping Institutions, Risks, and Governance. Miller, Roger and Donald Lessard. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001.
- Managing the Globalization of Business. Lessard, Donald and C. Antonelli. Naples, Italy: Editoriale Scientifica, 1990.
- Capital Flight and Third World Debt. Lessard, Donald and J. Williamson. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1987.
- Financial Intermediation Beyond the Debt Crisis. Williamson, John, and Donald Lessard. Cambridge, MA: Peterson Institution, 1985.
- International Financial Management: Theory and Application. Lessard, Donald. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1985.
- International Financial Management: Theory and Application. Lessard, Donald. Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham and Lamont, 1979.
- New Mortgage Designs for Stable Housing in an Inflationary Environment. Lessard, Donald and Franco Modigliani. Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1975.
- "Global Strategy and MNC Capabilities." Lessard, Donald R. and D. Eleanor Westney. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Oxford, UK: Oxford Research, Forthcoming. SSRN Preprint.
- "Institutional Enablers of Energy System Transition: Lessons from Solar PV in Eight African Countries." Lessard, Donald R., Valerie J. Karplus, Ninad Rajpurkar, and Arun Singh. In Achieving Collective Ends with Limited Resources: Africa’s Struggle to Bridge the Infrastructure Gap, edited by Anne Stafford, Innocent Musonda, and Nuno A. P. Gil, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming.
- "Understanding the Impacts of Indirect Stakeholder Relationships - Stakeholder Value Network Analysis and Its Application to Large Engineering Projects." Lessard, Donald R., Wen Feng, Edward Crawley, Olivier de Weck, and Bruce Cameron. In Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development, edited by M.J. Garvin, Raymond Levitt, and Richard Scott, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, Forthcoming.
- "Essay: Reflecting the Impact and Legacy of Peter Morris." Donald R. Lessard. In Engineering Project Organization Journal, 2024.
- "Global Strategic Analysis and Multi-Level Institutional Change." Lessard, Donald R. In The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity, edited by Alain Verbeke, Elizabeth L. Rose, Rob van Tulder, and Yingqi Wei, 45-62. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021.
- "Risk Management for Companies Operating in Emerging Markets." Lessard, Donald R. In Oxford Handbook on Managing in Emerging Economies, edited by Klaus Mayer and Robert Grosse, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- "Megaprojects as Games of Innovation." Miller, Roger, Donald Lessard, and Vivek Sakhrani. In The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management, edited by Bent Flyvbjerg, 217-237. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017. [Paper on SSRN].
- "The Evolution of EMNES and EMNE Thinking: A Capabilities Perspective." Lessard, Donald. In Understanding Multinationals from Emerging Markets, edited by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra and Ravi Ramamurti, 108-128. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- "The Shaping of Large Engineering Projects." Lessard, Donald and Roger Miller. edited by Bert van dee Wee and Hugo Priemus, 34-56. North Hampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2014.
- "Uncertainty and Risk in Global Supply Chains." Lessard, Donald. In Global Value Chains in a Changing World, edited by Deborah Elms and Patrick Low, Geneva, Switzerland: Global Institute and the Temasek Foundation Centre for Trade and Negotiations, 2013.
- "Como potenciar las capacidades de su empresa a través de la expansión global." Lessard, Donald, Rafel Lucea and Luis Vives. Harvard Deusto Business Review, February 2013.
- "Building Your Company’s Capabilities Through Global Expansion." Lessard, Donald, Rafel Lucea and Luis Vives. Sloan Management Review, January 2012.
- "Mexican Multinationals: Insights from Cemex." Lessard, Donald and Rafael Lucea. edited by Jitendra V. Singh and Ravi Ramamurti, 280-311. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- "Evolving Strategy: Risk Management and the Shaping of Large Engineering Projects." Lessard, Donald. In Decision-Making in Mega Projects: Cost Benefit Analysis, Planning, and Innovation: Transport Economics, Management and Policy, edited by Bent Flyvbjerg, Bert Van Wee, and Hugo Priemus, 145-172. North Hampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2008.
- "Risk and the Dynamics of Globalization." Lessard, Donald. In The Future of the Multinational Company, edited by Constantinos C. Markides, George Yip, John Stopford, Julian Birkinshaw, and Sumantra Ghoshal, 76-85. Chichester, England: Wiley and Sons, 2003.
- "The Multinational Firm as a Learning Organization." Lessard, Donald and Alice Amsden. In IEA annual research volume, London, England: MacMillan, 1999.
- "Finance and International Business." Lessard, Donald. In International Business: An Emerging Vision, edited by B. Toyne and D. Nigh, 586-627. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1997.
- "Moving Toward 1992: Managing the Internationalization of Ownership and Corporate Finance." Lessard, Donald. In Managing the Globalization of Business, edited by C. Antonelli and Donald Lessard, Naples, Italy: Editoriale Scientifica, 1990.
- "Rediscovering Functions in the MNC: The Role of Expertise in Firms' Responses to Shifting Exchange Rates." Lessard, Donald R. In Managing the Global Firm, edited by Christopher A. Bartlett, Gunnar Hedlund, and Yves Doz, New York, NY: Routledge, 1990.
- "Beyond the Debt Crisis: Alternative Forms of Financing Growth." Lessard, Donald. In Dealing with the Debt Crisis, edited by Ishac Diwan and Ishrat Husain, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 1989.
- "Country Risk and the Structure of International Financial Intermediation." Lessard, Donald. In Financial Risk: Theory, Evidence, and Implications, edited by Courtenay Stone, 197-227. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Kluwer, 1989.
- "Finance and Global Competition." Lessard, Donald. In Competition in Global Industries, edited by M. Porter, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.
- "Volatile Exchange Rates Can Put Operations at Risk." Lessard, Donald and John Lightstone. Harvard Business Review, July 1986.
- "Capital Market Strategy: National vs. International Integration." Lessard, Donald. In Financial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, edited by B. Paul, Caracas, Venezuela: Inter-American Institute of Capital Markets, 1982.
- "Public Enterprise Finance: Toward a Synthesis." Lessard, Donald. In Public Enterprise in Less Developed Countries, edited by L.P. Jones, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
- "Evaluating International Projects - An Adjusted Present Value Approach." Lessard, Donald. In Capital Budgeting under Conditions of Uncertainty, edited by F. Derkinderen and R. Crum, 118-137. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980.
- "Financial Markets and the Adjustment to Higher Oil Prices." Lessard, Donald. In The Structure of Energy Markets, edited by R. S. Pindyck, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1979.
- "Financial Factors and the International Expansion of Small-Country Firms." Lessard, Donald. In Multinationals from Small Countries, edited by C. P. Kindleberger and T. Agmon, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1977.
- "The Structure of Returns and Gains from International Diversification." Lessard, Donald. In International Capital Markets, edited by E. M. Elton and J.G. Gruber, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North Holland, 1975.
- "Inflation and The Housing Markets: Problems and Potential Solutions." Lessard, Donald and Franco Modigliani. MIT Sloan Management Review, September 1973.