- Articles
- Articles
- Books
- Other Types of Publications
- "Market Design as Organizational Problem: Explaining System Failures in Platform Markets." American Journal of Sociology. Forthcoming.
- "Algorithmic Management and the Social Order of Digital Markets." Rilinger, Georg. Theory and Society (2024).
- "Conceptual Limits of Performativity: Assessing the Feasibility of Market Design Blueprints." Rilinger, Georg. Socio-Economic Review Vol. 21, No. 2 (2023): 885-908.
- "Organizational Limits of Market Design." Rilinger, Georg. Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2023, No. 1 (2023): 11572.
- "Who Captures Whom? Regulatory Misperceptions and the Timing of Cognitive Capture." Rilinger, Georg. Regulation & Governance Vol. 17, No. 1 (2023): 43-60.
- "Discursive Multivocality: How the Proliferation of Economic Language can Undermine the Political Influence of Economists." Rilinger, Georg. Socio-Economic Review Vol. 20, No. 4 (2022): 1991-2015.
- "The Current Economy: Electricity Markets and Techno-Economics." Rilinger, Georg. Contemporary Sociology Vol. 51, No. 6 (2022): 499-501.
- "Corporate Conspiracies and Complex Secrets: Structure and Perception of the Insull Scheme in 1930s Chicago." Rilinger, Georg. American Journal of Sociology Vol. 124, No. 4 (2019).
- "Methodological Problems of Immanent Critique – The Case of Alienation." Rilinger, Georg. Leviathan Vol. 43, No. 1: 88-112.
- Failure by Design. Rilinger, Georg. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2024.
- "The Organizational Roots of Market Design Failure: Structural Abstraction, the Limits of Hierarchy, and the California Energy Crisis of 2000/01." Georg Rilinger. In Working Paper Series of the Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany: 2021.
- "Die Virtuelle Auktion (The Virtual Auction)." Rilinger, Georg. FAZ, November 13, 2020.
- "Toward a Sociology of Economic Engineering: The Creation and Collapse of California’s Electricity Markets between 1993 and 2001." Rilinger, Georg. PhD diss., The University of Chicago, 2020.
- "Interview with SASE President Gary Herrigel." Rilinger, Georg. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, February 1, 2018.