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Thesis Supervision

Current PhD Students:

  1. Leann Pearl Geetha Thayaparan, fourth year PhD student ORC, expected graduation 2024 (research on predictive models in the area of pricing).
  2. Asterios Tsiourvas, third year PhD student ORC, expected graduation 2025 (research on Machine Learning and Optimization in the area of healthcare and supply chains).
  3. Rares Cristian, third year PhD student ORC, expected graduation 2025 (research on Machine Learning and Optimization in the area of supply chains).
  4. Angela Lin, second year PhD student ORC, expected graduation 2026 (research on Machine Learning and Optimization in the area of healthcare).
  5. Emily Zhang, second year PhD student ORC, (co-advised with Retsef Levi), expected graduation 2026 (research on promotions to reduce food waste).
  6. Eduardo Manuel Moran Pelaez, second year PhD student ORC, expected graduation 2025 (research on analytics in retail).
  7. Joyce Luo, first year PhD student ORC, expected graduation 2027 (research on healthcare).
  8. Alkiviadis Mertzios, first year PhD student ORC, expected graduation 2027 (research on machine learning and time series with applications in supply chains and healthcare).
  9. William Zhang, first year PhD student ORC, (co-advised with Saurabh Amin from CEE and ORC) expected graduation 2027 (research on machine learning with applications in insurance and supply chains).


Current MS Students:

  1. Devin Zhang, LGO, expected graduation 2023 (research with Zara).
  2. Paolo Luciano, LGO, expected graduation 2022 (research with Zara).
  3. Josh Weisberg, LGO, expected graduation 2022 (research with Nissan).

Graduated PhD Students:

  1. Elaine Chew, PhD, Graduated January 2000, (co-advisor Jeanne Bamberger) (research on: Operations Research Models for Music Tonality). Professor of Digital Media. Queens Mary, University of London, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.
  2. Soulaymane Kachani, PhD, Graduated June 2002 (research on: Dynamic Models in Transportation as well as Dynamic Pricing). Professor of Practice Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Vice Dean in the School of Engineering and Vice Provost, Columbia University.
  3. Jeff Hawkins, PhD, Graduated June 2003 (co-advisor D. Bertsimas) (research on: Internet Auctions). Goldman Sachs.
  4. Anshul Sood, PhD, Graduated June 2004 (research on: Pricing and Revenue Management under Competition). Tower Hedge Fund, New York.
  5. Marina Zaretsky, PhD, Graduated July 2004 (research on: Variational Inequalities and Competitive Supply Chain Management), Morgan Stanley.
  6. Michele Aghassi, PhD, Graduated August 2005 (co-advisor D. Bertsimas) (research on: Variational Inequalities and Robust Network Design). AQR Capital.
  7. Elodie Adida, PhD, Graduated May 2006 (research on dynamic pricing and fluid models). Associate Professor at the University of Riverside, California.
  8. Guillaume Roels, PhD, Graduated May 2006 (research in transportation and supply chain management), Associate Professor INSEAD, Operations Management group.
  9. Carine Simon, PhD, Graduated August 2007 (research on competitive dynamic pricing with demand learning), Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management.
  10. Jonathan Kluberg, PhD Graduated May 2011 (research on price of anarchy and the effects of deregulation in electricity markets), Investment Analyst at HighVista Strategies.
  11. Ruben Lobel, PhD, Graduated March 2012 (research on dynamic pricing and solar panel technology applications), Airbnb.
  12. Wei Sun, PhD, graduated August 2012 (research on congestion pricing as well as contracts in supply chains), Research Staff at IBM Research, Watson.
  13. Philipp Keller (co-advisor R. Levi), PhD, graduated May 2013 (research on choice demand modeling in pricing), Facebook.
  14. Joline Ann Villaranda Uichanco (co-advisor R. Levi), PhD, graduated August 2013 (research on the data-driven newsvendor problem), Assistant Professor at Business School, University of Michigan.
  15. Mattheu Monsch (co-advisor V. Farias), PhD, graduated August 2013 (research on dynamic games and revenue management), Google, California.
  16. Zachary Leung, PhD graduated August 2014 (research on markdown pricing with strategic consumers), Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong.
  17. Gonzalo Romero (co-advisor R. Levi), PhD graduated August 2014 (research on the data-driven models in transportation), Assistant Professor at the Rotman School of Business at University of Toronto)
  18. Maxime Cohen, PhD graduated August 2015 (research on pricing for promotions as well as new products and research on subsidies for green technologies), Assistant Professor at NYU Stern.
  19. Charles Thraves, PhD graduation May 2017 (research on pricing and research on subsidies for green technologies), Assistant Professor, University of Chile.
  20. Anna Papush, PhD graduation January 2018 (research on bundle pricing with personalized information), Analyst, Portfolio Management, Core, Acadian Asset Management, LLC.
  21. Daniel Chen (co-advisor R. Levi), PhD, August 2018 (research on the data driven operations problems), Postdoctoral Associate at Amazon.
  22. Lennart Baardman, PhD, graduated May 2019 (research on analytics in pricing, promotion planning and online advertising)
  23. Max Biggs, PhD, graduated August 2019 (research on optimization, demand prediction and machine learning).
  24. Rim Hariss, (co-advisor Karen Zheng), PhD, graduated August 2019 (research on analytics in optimization with machine learning as well as pricing and rewards programs and how price signals quality of a product in retail)
  25. Tamar Cohen-Hillel, PhD, graduated August 2020 (research on analytics in pricing).
  26. Divya Singhvi, PhD, graduated August 2020 (research on analytics in pricing with limited demand information, machine learning, MABs, returns in retail and supply chain)
  27. Elaheh Fata, (co-advisor David Simchi-Levi), PhD, graduated August 2020 (research on online advertising).
  28. Elisabeth Paulson, (co-advisor Retsef Levi), PhD, graduated 2021 (research on supply chain for food deserts)
  29. Omar Skali-Lami, PhD, graduated Spring 2022 (research on machine learning in healthcare and online retail), Senior Data Scientist at QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey.
  30. John Spantidakis, PhD graduated summer 2022 (research on approximation algorithms for pricing applications, and supply chains), Research Scientist at Amazon.


Graduated MS Students:

  1. Scott McKeever, Masters, graduated May 2000 (research on: Autonomous Vehicles and Path Planning).
  2. Marc Coumeri, (co-advisor D. Bertsimas) Masters, graduated Summer 2000 (research on: Pricing and Revenue Management).
  3. Lin Guochun, Masters, SMA Program, graduated May 2002 (research on: Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium).
  4. Michael Yee, Masters, graduated August 2003 (research on: Network Equilibrium Problems in Static and Dynamic Environments).
  5. Phan Tien Dung, (co-advisor J. Sun), Masters, graduated Summer 2004 (research on: Quadratically Constrained Convex Quadratic Programs).
  6. Wei Sun, Masters, graduated Summer 2006, CDO program, (research on Price of Anarchy for Bertrand Oligopolies).
  7. Kevin Zhang, Masters, graduated Summer 2006, CDO program, (research on Pricing with Adjustable Robust Optimization).
  8. Joline Ann Villaranda Uichanco, (co-advisor R. Levi), Masters, August 2007, CDO program. Graduation August 2007 (research on a data driven approach for the newsvendor and the price-setting newsvendor problem).
  9. Yun Lu, (co-advisor D. Bertsimas) MS student, graduated August 2007, CDO program. (research on robust network design).
  10. Tingting Rao, (co-advisor R. Levi), graduated August 2008 CDO program (research on the multi-period joint dynamic pricing and inventory control problem for many products with joint capacities).
  11. Thibault Le Guen, ORC, Masters, graduated August 2008 (research on data driven pricing).
  12. Koon Soon (Justin) Teo, graduated Summer 2009, CDO program. (research on loss of profit due to lack of coordination in competitive supply chains).
  13. Anupam Mazumdar, graduated Summer 2009, CDO program (Iterative Algorithms for a Joint Pricing and Inventory Control Problem with Nonlinear Demand Functions).
  14. Daizhuo Chen, graduated Summer 2010, CDO program (Modeling Travel Time Uncertainty in Traffic Networks).
  15. Thai Dung Nguyen, (co-advisor D. Bertsimas), graduated Summer 2010, CDO program (Application of Robust and Inverse Optimization in Transportation).
  16. Jingxi Wang, graduated Summer 2010, CDO program (A Decentralized Incentive Mechanism for Company-Wide Energy Consumption Reduction).
  17. Derrick Ongchin, LGO, graduated May 2011 (research with Cisco on the health of inventory policies).
  18. Soji Awe, LGO, graduated May 2011 (research with Boeing on the build-up of the 777 engine).
  19. Sid Balwani, LGO, graduated May 2012 (research with Nationalgrid).
  20. Rachel Avril, LGO, graduated May 2013 (research with Zara).
  21. Brent Yoder, LGO, graduated May 2013 (research with Nationalgrid).
  22. Nori Ogura, LGO, graduated May 2013 (research with Nationalgrid).
  23. Sean Whipple, LGO, graduated May 2014 (research with Nationalgrid on weather impact on the utilities assets and how to mitigate the impact).
  24. Ryan Doss, LGO, graduated May 2014 (research with Nationalgrid).
  25. Bradley Gesner, LGO, graduated May 2014 (research with Nationalgrid on their supply chain).
  26. Jose Manuel Garcia, LGO, graduated May 2014 (research with Zara on predicting trends and special events).
  27. Arvind Simhardi, LGO, graduated May 2015 (internship with Nationalgrid).
  28. Richard Mullen, LGO, graduated May 2015 (internship with PG&E).
  29. Evelyne Kong, LGO, graduated May 2015 (internship with Inditex on demand prediction and interaction among items on the floor).
  30. Ludovica Rizzo Masters ORC, graduated May 2015 (research on the impact of social media on pricing).
  31. Wichinpong Sinchaisry (Park), CDO, graduated January 2016 (co-advisor Karen Zheng), (research on pricing incorporating behavioral attributes of consumers).
  32. Lillian Meyer, LGO, graduated May 2016 (internship with PG&E).
  33. Greg Eschelbach, LGO, graduated May 2016 (internship with PG&E).
  34. Adam Chao, LGO, graduated May 2016 (internship with PG&E).
  35. Michael McMillan, LGO, graduated May 2016 (internship with Inditex).
  36. Jacquelyn Mohl, LGO, graduated May 2016 (internship with Nationalgrid).
  37. Kippy Ingram, LGO, graduated May 2016 (internship with Nationalgrid).
  38. Sandy Yuan, LGO, graduated May 2017 (internship with Nationalgrid).
  39. Boyan Kelchev, LGO, graduated May 2017 (internship with PG&E).
  40. James Coles, LGO, graduated May 2017 (internship with Inditex/Zara).
  41. Mohamed Kurdi, LGO, graduated May 2017 (internship with PG&E).
  42. Steven Link, LGO, graduated 2018 (internship at PG&E).
  43. Wade McElroy, LGO, graduated 2018 (internship at PG&E).
  44. Max Tuttman, LGO, graduated 2018 (internship at PG&E).
  45. Scott Foster, LGO, graduated 2018 (internship at Zara).
  46. Lila Friedly, LGO, graduated 2018 (internship at Zara).
  47. Jeremy Hare, LGO, graduated 2018 (internship at Nationalgrid).
  48. Shai Dekel, LGO, graduated 2018 (internship at Nationalgrid).
  49. Megan Rose McCleneghan, LGO, graduated 2019 (research with PGE).
  50. Manuel Martinez Puppo, LGO, graduated 2019 (research with Zara).
  51. Ali Said ElSeddik, LGO, graduation 2020 (research with Nationalgrid).
  52. Monica Harnoto, LGO, graduation 2020 (research with Nationalgrid).
  53. Trevor J. Thompson, LGO, graduation 2020 (research with Nationalgrid).
  54. Lampros Tsontzos, LGO, graduation 2022 (research with Zara).
  55. Alexandra Hardin, LGO, graduation 2022 (research with Nationalgrid).
  56. Christina Michaels, LGO, graduation 2022 (research with Nationalgrid).
  57. Clemente Ocejo, MEng EECS, graduation 2022 (research on neural network and time series and its application with Boston Scientific).
  • Georgia Perakis

    John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management

    William F. Pounds Professor of Management

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