"A Granular Approach to Optimal and Fair Patient Placement in Hospital Emergency Departments."
Canellas, Maureen M., Dessislava A. Pachamanova, Georgia Perakis, Omar Skali Lami, and Asterios Tsiourvas. Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming."Dynamic Pricing with Unknown Non-Parametric Demand and Limited Price Changes."
Perakis, Georgia, and Divya Singhvi. Operations Research. Forthcoming. SSRN Preprint. Supplementary Material."Learning the Minimal Representation of a Continuous State-Space Markov Decision Process from Transition Data."
Bennouna, Amine, Dessislava Pachamanova, Georgia Perakis, and Omar Skali Lami. Management Science. Forthcoming."Introduction: Frontiers in Operations."
Perakis, Georgia. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 26, No. 4 (2024): 1189."Ancillary Services in Targeted Advertising: from Prediction to Prescription."
Borenstein, Alison, Ankit Mangal, Georgia Perakis , Stefan Poninghaus, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, Jiong Wei Lua. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 25, No. 4 (2023): 1285-1303. SSRN Preprint. Supplementary Materials."The Role of Optimization in Some Recent Advances in Data-driven Decision-making."
Baardman, Lennart, Rares Cristian, Georgia Perakis, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, and Leann Thayaparan. Mathematical Programming Vol. 200, No. 1 (2023): 1-35."COVID-19: A Multipeak SIR Based Model: Learning Waves and Optimizing Interventions."
Perakis, Georgia, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, and Leann Thayaparan. Production and Operations Management Vol. 32, No. 5 (2023): 1471-1489. Download Paper."COVID-19: Prediction, Prevalence, and the Operations of Vaccine Allocation."
Bennouna, Amine, Joshua Joseph, David Nze-Ndong, Georgia Perakis, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, Yannis Spantidakis, Leann Thayaparan, and Asterios Tsiourvas. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 25, No. 3 (2023): 1013-1032."High-Low Promotion Policies for Peak-End Demand Models."
Cohen-Hillel, Tamar, Kiran Panchamgam, and Georgia Perakis. Management Science Vol. 69, No. 4 (2023): 2016-2050."Detecting Customer Trends for Targeted Optimized Promotions."
Baardman, Lennart, Setareh Borjian Boroujeni, Tamar Cohen-Hillel, Kiran Panchamgam, and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 25, No. 2 (2023): 448-467. Supplemental Materials. Download Paper."Pricing for Heterogeneous Products: Analytics of Ticket Reselling."
Alley, Michael, Max Biggs, Rim Hariss, Charles Herrmann, Michael Li, and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 25, No. 2 (2023): 409-426. Supplemental Materials. SSRN Preprint."Robust Pricing and Production with Information Partitioning and Adaptation."
Perakis, Georgia, Melvyn Sim, Qinshen Tang, and Peng Xiong. Management Science Vol. 69, No. 3 (2023): 1398-1419."Constrained Optimization of Objective Functions Determined from Random Forests."
Biggs, Max, Rim Hariss, and Georgia Perakis. Production and Operations Management Vol. 32, No. 2 (2023): 397-415."Care Coordination for Healthcare Referrals under a Shared-savings Program."
Bravo, Fernanda, Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, and Gonzalo Romero. Production and Operations Management Vol. 32, No. 1 (2023): 189-206. Download Paper."Disparities in Emergency Department Wait Times for Female, Transgender Female, Black and Non-English-Speaking Patients."
Canellas, Maureen, Georgia Perakis, Dessislava Pachamanova, Omar Skali Lami, and Asterios Tsiourvas. Annals of Emergency Medicine Vol. 80, No. 4 (2022): S39."Distribution-Free Pricing."
Chen, Hongqiao, Ming Hu, and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 24, No. 4 (2022): 1939-1958."Learning Personalized Product Recommendations with Customer Disengagement."
Bastani, Hamsa, Pavithra Harsha, Georgia Perakis, and Divya Singhvi. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 24, No. 4 (2022): 2010-2028."On a Variation of Two-part Tariff Pricing of Services: a Data Driven Approach."
Perakis, Georgia and Charles Thraves. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 24, No. 3 (2022): 1369-1387. Supplemental Material."Evaluation of Individual and Ensemble Probabilistic Forecasts of COVID-19 Mortality in the United States."
Perakis, Georgia et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 119, No. 15 (2022): e211356111."Consumer Surplus Under Demand Uncertainty."
Cohen, Maxime C., Georgia Perakis, and Charles Thraves. Production and Operations Management Vol. 31, No. 2 (2022): 478-494. Download Paper."Public Health Risks Arising from Food Supply Chains: Challenges and Opportunities."
Chen, Lu, Donovan Guttieres, Retsef Levi, Elisabeth Paulson, Georgia Perakis, Nicholas Renegar, and Stacy Springs. Naval Research Logistics Vol. 68, No. 8 (2021): 1098-1112."A Granular View of Emergency Department Length of Stay: Improving Predictive Power and Extracting Actionable Insights."
Canellas, Maureen, Kevin Kotkowski, Dessislava Pachamanova, Georgia Perakis, Omar Skali Lami, and Asterios Tsiourvas. Annals of Emergency Medicine Vol. 78, No. 4 (2021): e1-e182."Using Business Analytics to Upgrade Sales Promotions."
Baardman, Lennart, Maxime C. Cohen, Kiran Panchamgam, and Georgia Perakis. Management Business Review Vol. 1, No. 3 (2021): 54-63. SSRN. Download Full Issue. Download Pre-print."Promotion Optimization for Multiple Items in Supermarkets."
Cohen, Maxime C., Jeremy J. Kalas, and Georgia Perakis. Management Science Vol. 67, No. 4 (2021): 1993-2656. Download Paper."A Simple Rule for Pricing with Limited Knowledge of Demand."
Cohen, Maxime C., Georgia Perakis, Robert S. Pindyck. Management Science Vol. 67, No. 3 (2021): 1608-1621."Using Business Analytics to Upgrade Sales Promotions."
Baardman, Lennart, Maxime C. Cohen, Kiran Panchamgam, and Georgia Perakis. Management Business Review (2021). Download Pre-print."Frontiers in Service Science: The Management of Data Analytics Services: New Challenges and Future Directions."
de Véricourt, Francis, and Georgia Perakis. Service Science Vol. 12, No. 4 (2020): 121–129. Download Paper."An Efficient Algorithm for Dynamic Pricing Using a Graphical Representation."
Cohen, Maxime, C., Swati Gupta, Jeremy J. Kalas, and Georgia Perakis. Production and Operations Management Vol. 29, No. 10 (2020): 2326-2349. Download Preprint."A Data-Driven Approach to Personalized Bundle Pricing and Recommendation."
Ettl, Markus, Pavithra Harsha, Anna Papush, and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 22, No. 3 (2020): 461-480. SSRN. Media Mention: HuffPost."Strategic Capacity Planning Problems in Revenue Sharing Joint Ventures."
Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, Cong Shi, and Wei Sun. Production and Operations Management Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020): 664-687. Download Paper."Near-Optimality of Uniform Copayments for Subsidies and Taxes Allocation Problems."
Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, and Gonzalo Romero. Operations Research Vol. 67, No. 2 (2019): 548-561. Download Paper."Consumer Subsidies with a Strategic Supplier: Commitment vs. Flexibility."
Chemama, Jonathan, Maxime C. Cohen, Ruben Lobel, and Georgia Perakis. Management Science Vol. 65, No. 2 (2019): 681-713. Download Preprint."Data Analytics in Operations Management: A Review."
Misic, Velibor and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 22, No. 1 (2019): 158-169. Download Paper."Scheduling Promotion Vehicles to Boost Profits."
Baardman, Lennart, Maxime C. Cohen, Kiran Panchamgam, Georgia Perakis, and Danny Segev. Management Science Vol. 65, No. 1 (2019): 50-70. Download Preprint. Media Mention: HuffPost."Dynamic Pricing Through Data Sampling."
Cohen, Maxime C., Ruben Lobel, and Georgia Perakis. Production and Operations Management Vol. 27, No. 6 (2018): 1074-1088. Download Preprint."The MIT Leaders for Global Operations Program."
Rosenfield, Donald, and Georgia Perakis. Interfaces Vol. 48, No. 3 (2018): 181-289."The Impact of Linear Optimization in Promotion Planning."
Cohen, Maxime C., Ngai-Hang Zachary Leung, Kiran Panchamgam, Georgia Perakis, and Anthony Smith. Operations Research Vol. 65, No. 2 (2017): 446-468. Media Mentions: MIT Sloan Experts. O.R. by the Beach. HuffPost."On the Effectiveness of Uniform Subsidies in Increasing Market Consumption."
Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, and Gonzalo Romero. Management Science Vol. 63, No. 1 (2017): 40-57. Download Paper."The Impact of Demand Uncertainty on Consumer Subsidies for Green Technology Adoption."
Cohen, Maxime C., Ruben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. Management Science Vol. 62, No. 5 (2016): 1235-1258. Media Mentions: EurekAlert. ScienceDaily. MIT News."Nonlinear Pricing Competition with Private Capacity Information."
Nazerzadeh, Hamid, and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 64, No. 2 (2016): 329-340."The Data-Driven Newsvendor Problem: New Bounds and Insights."
Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, and Joline Uichanco. Operations Research Vol. 63, No. 6 (2015): 1294-1306. Appendix."The Impact of a Target on Newsvendor Decisions."
Chen, Lucy Gongtao, Daniel Zhuoyu Long, and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 17, No. 1 (2015): 78-86."The Effect of Supplier Capacity on the Supply Chain Profit."
Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Annals of Operations Research Vol. 223, No. 1 (2014): 1-52."Efficiency Analysis of Cournot Competition in Service Industries with Congestion."
Perakis, Georgia and Wei Sun. Management Science Vol. 60, No. 11 (2014): 2684-2700."The Impact of a Target on Newsvendor Decisions."
Chen, Lucy Gongtao, Daniel Zhuoyu Long, and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 17, No. 1 (2014): 78-86."A Continuous Knapsack Problem with Separable Convex Utilities: Approximation Algorithms and Applications."
Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis and Gonzalo Romero. Operations Research Letters Vol. 42, No. 5 (2014): 367-373."Business Analytics for Flexible Resource Allocation under Random Emergencies."
Angalakudati, Mallik, Siddharth Balwani, Jorge Calzada, Bikram Chatterjee, Georgia Perakis, Nicolas Raad and Joline Uichanco. Management Science Vol. 60, No. 6 (2014): 1552-1573."Efficient Formulations for Pricing under Attraction Demand Models."
Keller, Philipp W., Retsef Levi, and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 145, No. 1-2 (2014): 223-261."Generalized Quantity Competition for Multiple Products and Loss of Efficiency."
Kluberg, Jonathan and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 60, No. 2 (2012): 335-350. Appendix."Price of Anarchy in Supply Chains with Partial Positive Externalities."
Perakis, Georgia and Wei Sun. Operations Research Letters Vol. 40, No. 2 (2012): 78-83."On the Efficiency of Price Competition."
Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 39, No. 6 (2011): 414– 418."A Comparison of Bertrand and Cournot Profits in Oligopolies with Differentiated Products."
Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 59, No. 2 (2011): 507-513. Appendix."Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control: Robust vs. Stochastic Uncertainty Models; a Computational Study."
Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Annals of Operations Research Vol. 181, No. 1 (2010): 125-157."A Nonnegative Extension of the Affine Demand Function and Equilibrium Analysis for Multiproduct Price Competition."
Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 38, No. 4 (2010): 280-286."Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with no Backorders; Uncertainty and Competition."
Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 58, No. 2 (2010): 289– 302. Appendix."Robust Controls for Network Revenue Management."
Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. MSOM Vol. 12, No. 1 (2010): 56-76. Appendix."A Dynamic Travel Time Models for Spillback."
Kachani, Soulaymane and Georgia Perakis. Networks and Spatial Economics Vol. 9, No. 4 (2009): 595-618."Optimal Bidding in Online Auctions."
Bertsimas, Dimitris, Jeffrey Hawkins and Georgia Perakis. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (2009): 21-41."Profit Loss in Differentiated Oligopolies."
Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 37, No. 1 (2009): 43-46."Multiperiod Models with Capacities in Competitive Supply Chain."
Perakis, Georgia and Marina Zaretsky. Production and Operations Management Journal Vol. 17, No. 4 (2008): 439-454."Regret in the Newsvendor Problem with Partial Information."
Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. Operations Research Vol. 56, No. 1 (2008): 188-203. Related extended abstract. Appendix."The Price of Anarchy in Supply Chains; Quantifying the Efficiency of Price-Only Contracts."
Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. Management Science Vol. 53, No. 8 (2007): 1249-1268."The 'Price of Anarchy' Under Nonlinear and Asymmetric Costs."
Perakis, Georgia. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 32, No. 3 (2007): 614-628."An Analytical Model for Traffic Delays and the Dynamic User-Equilibrium Problem."
Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. Operations Research Vol. 54, No. 6 (2006): 1151-1171."Solving Asymmetric Variational Inequalities via Convex Optimization."
Aghassi, Michele, Dimitris Bertsimas and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 34, No. 5 (2006): 481-490."A Robust Optimization Approach to Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with No Backorders."
Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 107, No. 1 (2006): 97-129."Competitive Multi-period Pricing for Perishable Products: A Robust Optimization Approach."
Perakis, Georgia and Anshul Sood. Mathematical Programming Vol. 107, No. 1 (2006): 295-335."A Robust SQP Method for Mathematical Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints."
Liu, Xinwei, Georgia Perakis and Jie Sun. Journal of Computational Optimization and Applications Vol. 34, No. 1 (2006): 5-33."Fluid Dynamics Models and their Applications in Transportation and Pricing."
Kachani, Soulaymane and Georgia Perakis. European Journal of Operations Research Vol. 170, No. 1 (2006): 496-517."The Orthogonality Theorem and the Strong-f-Monotonicity Condition for Variational Inequality Algorithms."
Magnanti, Thomas and Georgia Perakis. SIAM Journal on Optimization Vol. 7, No. 1 (1997): 248-273."Averaging Schemes for Variational Inequalities and Systems of Equations."
Magnanti, Thomas and Georgia Perakis. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 22, No. 3 (1997): 568-587."A Unifying Geometric Solution Framework and Complexity Analysis for Variational Inequalities."
Magnanti, Thomas and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 71, No. 3 (1995): 327-352.
"Designing Inclusive Offerings."
Levi, Retsef, Elisabeth Paulson, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7067-24. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, July 2024."Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Panel Data."
Levi, Retsef, Elisabeth Paulson, Georgia Perakis, and Emily Zhang, Working Paper. June 2024. arXiv Preprint."First Order and Fixed-Point Approaches to Assortment Planning with Cross-Item Effects."
Moran-Pelaez, Manuel and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7063-24. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2024."Impact of Social Learning on Consumer Subsidies and Supplier Capacity for Green Technology Adoption."
Ren, Hang, Tingliang Huang, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6876-23. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2023."Tightness of Prescriptive Tree-based Mixed Integer Optimization Formulations."
Biggs, Max, and Georgia Perakis. Submitted to Mathematical Programming, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7140-23. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, February 2023."UMOTEM: Upper Bounding Method for Optimizing Over Tree Ensemble Models."
Perakis, Georgia, and Leann Thayaparan. Management Science, (Revise and Resubmit), MIT Sloan Working Paper 7139-22. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, February 2023."Optimizing Objective Functions from Trained Neural Networks."
Perakis, Georgia, and Asterios Tsiourvas. Submitted to Management Science, (Revise and Resubmit), MIT Sloan Working Paper 7138-22. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, June 2022."A Granular View of Emergency Department Length of Stay: Improving Predictive Power and Extracting Actionable Insights."
Canellas, Maureen, Kevin Kotkowski, Dessislava Pachamanova, Georgia Perakis, Omar Skali Lami, and Asterios Tsiourvas, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6601-22. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2022."Improving Emergency Department Operations with Predictive-Prescriptive Analytics."
Perakis, Georgia, Dessislava Pachamanova, Omar Skali Lami, Asterios Tsiourvas, and Maureen Canellas, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6595-22. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2022."COVID-19: A Multipeak SIR Based Model: Learning Waves and Optimizing Interventions."
Skali Lami, Omar, Divya Singhvi, Georgia Perakis, and Leann Thayaparan, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6403-21. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, November 2021."Dynamic Creative Optimization in Online Display Advertising."
Baardman, Lennart, Elaheh Fata, Abhishek Pani, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6546-21. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2021."Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: The Impact of Access and Value."
Levi, Retsef, Elizabeth Paulson, and Georgia Perakis. (Submitted to Production and Operations Management), MIT Sloan Working Paper 5389-18. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, December 2020."Reverse Information Sharing: Reducing Costs in Supply Chains with Yield Uncertainty."
Harsha, Pavithra, Ashish Jagmohan, Retsef Levi, Elisabeth Paulson, and Georgia Perakis. (Resubmitted to Management Science), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6172-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, December 2020."Sequential Learning of Product Recommendations with Customer Disengagement."
Bastani, Hamsa, Pavithra Harsha, Georgia Perakis, and Divya Singhvi, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5648-18. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, November 2020."Optimal Interventions for Increasing Healthy Food Consumption Among Low Income Households."
Levi, Retsef, Elisabeth Paulson, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6053-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, October 2020."Dynamic Routing with Tree Based Value Function Approximations."
Biggs, Max, and Georgia Perakis. (Submitted to Operations Research), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6238-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, October 2020."Markdown Pricing with Quality Perception."
Hariss, Rim, Georgia Perakis, Wichinpong (Park) Sinchaisri, and Y. Karen Zheng, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5390-18. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, September 2020."Ancillary Services in Targeted Advertising: From Prediction to Prescription."
Borenstein, Alison, Ankit Mangal, Georgia Perakis, Stefan Poninghaus, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, and Jiong Wei (Submitted to MSOM), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6239-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, September 2020."Personalized Pricing with Feature Measurement Error."
Harsha, Pavithra, Georgia Perakis, and Divya Singhvi, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6242-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, September 2020."Predicting COVID-19 Geographic Seroprevalence and Optimizing the Intervention Policy."
Bennouna, Amine, J. Joseph, David Nze Ndong, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, Georgia Perakis, Ionnis Spantidakis, Leann Thayaparan, and A. Tsiouryas, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6241-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, September 2020."Leveraging the Newsvendor for Inventory Distribution at a Large Fashion E-Retailer With Depth and Capacity Constraints."
Perakis, Georgia, Divya Singhvi, and Ioannis Spantidakis. (Submitted at MSOM), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6237-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, August 2020."Optimizing Objective Functions Determined from Random Forests."
Biggs, Max, Rim Hariss, and Georgia Perakis. (Submitted to POM; Minor Revision), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6236-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, July 2020."Pricing With Limited Knowledge of Demand."
Cohen, Maxime C., Georgia Perakis, and Robert S. Pindyck, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5145-15. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, January 2020."An Interpretable Variation of the Gaussian Process Method for Predicting Demand."
Cohen-Hillel, Tamar, Georgia Perakis, Ioannis Spantidakis, and L. Thaparayan. (In progress), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6243-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2020."Designing Sparse Minimum Knapsack Policies: an Application to Supply Chain Procurement."
Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, and Gonzalo Romero. (Rejected and resubmitted to Operations Research), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6151-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2020."Price Incentives for Online Retailers Using Social Media."
Baghaie, Marjan, Maxime C. Cohen, Georgia Perakis, Ludovica Rizzo, and X. Sun, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6245-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2020."Promotion Policies for Peak-End Demand Models."
Aparicio, D., Tamar Cohen-Hillel, and Georgia Perakis. (In progress), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6244-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2020."Joint Pricing and Production; A Fusion of Machine Learning and Robust Optimization."
Perakis, Georgia, Melvyn Sim, Qinshen Tang, and Peng Xiong. (Submitted to Management Science; Major Revision), MIT Sloan Working Paper 6235-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, December 2019."Leveraging Comparables for New Product Sales Forecasting."
Baardman, Lennart, Igor Levin, Georgia Perakis, and Divya Singhvi, Working Paper. September 2019. Extended Abstract Published at POM."First Delivery Gaps: A Supply Chain Lever to Reduce Product Returns in Online Retail."
Chaurasia, Mohit, Sourabh Pandey, Georgia Perakis, Hemant Singh Rathore, Divya Singhvi, Yannis Spantidakis, Working Paper. April 2019."Learning Optimal Online Advertising Portfolios with Periodic Budgets."
Baardman, Lennart, Elaheh Fata, Abhishek Pani, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5650-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, March 2019."Efficiency of Revenue Sharing Joint Ventures with Capacity Investment Decisions."
Bravo, F., Retsef Levi, G. Romero, and Georgia Perakis, Working Paper. March 2019."Dynamic Pricing with Unknown Non-Parametric Demand and Limited Price Changes."
Perakis, Georgia and Divya Singhvi, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5649-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, February 2019."Analytics-Driven Inspection Operations for Infrastructure Resilience."
Perakis, Georgia, Saurabh Amin, and Mathieu Dahan, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5651-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2019."On a Variation of Two-part Tariff Pricing of Services; a Data Driven Approach."
Perakis, Georgia, and Charles Thraves, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5391-17. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, January 2019."A Ranking Algorithm for Tramp Shipping in the Spot Market."
Biggs, M., and Georgia Perakis, Working Paper. September 2018."Strategic Capacity Planning Problems in Revenue Sharing Joint Ventures."
Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, Cong Shi and Wei Sun, Working Paper. March 2018."Bounded Rationality in Strategic Interactions in a Supply Chain."
Basak Kalkanci, and Georgia Perakis. (In progress), MIT Sloan Working Paper 5070-13. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2018."Peak-End Demand Models and their Impact on Promotion Optimization."
Cohen-Hillel, Tamar, Kiran Panchamgam, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5384-18. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, January 2018."Peak-End Demand Models Can Be Surprisingly Good."
Cohen-Hillel, Tamar, Kiran Panchamgam, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5653-18. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, 2018."Robustly Minimizing a Piecewise-linear Cost Function with Respect to Uncertainty in Mixed Demand."
Chen, Daniel, Retsef Levi, and Georgia Perakis (Submitted to Production and Operations Management), Working Paper. 2018."Competition and Externalities in Green Technology Adoption."
Cohen, Maxime C., Georgia Perakis and Charles Thraves, Working Paper. May 2015.
"Manifold-Aligned Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks."
Tsiourvas, Asterios, Wei Sun, and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Valencia, Spain: April 2024."End-to-end Learning for Decision Optimization via Constraint-enforcing Approximators for Linear Programs with Applications to Supply Chains."
Rares Cristian, Pavithra Harsha, Georgia Perakis, Brian Quanz, and Ioannis Spantidakis. In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Washington DC: September 2022."From Data To Impact (Podcast)."
Perakis, Georgia. SpreadLove in Organizations, January 27, 2022."A Brief History of the Internet and the World Wide Web."
Kumar, Subodha and Georgia Perakis. Management and Business Review, January 2022."Optimal Interventions for Increasing Healthy Food Consumption Among Low Income Households."
Elisabeth Paulson, Retsef Levi, and Georgia Perakis. October 2020. YouTube."Chapter 4: Promotion Optimization in Retail."
Cohen, Maxime, and Georgia Perakis. In Channel Strategies and Marketing Mix in a Connected World, edited by Saibal Ray and Shuya Yin, 71-97. New York, NY: Springer, 2020. Download Paper."Optimizing Promotions for Multiple Items in Supermarkets."
Cohen, Maxime C., and Georgia Perakis. In Channel Strategies and Marketing Mix in a Connected World, edited by Saibal Ray and Shuya Yin, 71-97. New York, NY: Springer, 2019. Download Paper."Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: The Impact of Access and Value."
Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, and Elisabeth Paulson. In Proceedings of the 2018 MSOM Conference, Dallas, TX: July 2018."Improving Emergency Storm Planning using Machine Learning."
Malikarjun Angalakudati, Jorge Calzada, Vivek Farias, Jonathan Gonynor, Matthieu Monsch, Anna Papush, Georgia Perakis, Nicolas Raad, Jeremy Schein, Cheryl Warren, Sean Whipple and John Williams. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL: December 2014."Dynamic Pricing Through Sampling Based Optimization."
Ruben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. In 51st AGIFORS Annual Proceedings Annual Symposium and Study, Red Hook, N.Y.: October 2011."Modeling the Transient Nature of Dynamic Pricing with Demand Learning in a Competitive Environment."
Kachani, Soulaymane, Georgia Perakis and Carine Simon. In Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Science, edited by Terry L. Friesz, 223-267. New York, NY: Springer, 2007."Dynamic Pricing: A Learning Approach."
Bertsimas, Dimitris and Georgia Perakis. In Models for Congestion Charging/Network Pricing, 45-79. New York, NY: Springer, 2006."The Price of Anarchy when Costs are Non-separable and Asymmetric."
Perakis, Georgia. In Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 10th International IPCO Conference Proceedings, edited by Daniel Bienstock and George Nemhauser. Berlin, Germany: 2004."Applications of Fluid Modeling in Distribution Systems."
Perakis, Georgia and S. Kachani. In Innovations in Financial and Economic Networks, edited by Anna Nagurney. Northampton, MA: December 2003."Computing Fixed Points by Averaging."
Magnanti, Thomas and Georgia Perakis. In Transportation and Network Analysis– Current Trends, 181-198. New York, NY: Springer US, 2002."Geometric, Interior Point and Classical Methods for Solving Finite Dimensional Variational Inequality Problems."
Perakis, Georgia (PhD thesis). 1993.
Patents Issued and Filed:
- US Patent App. 14/030,287 - "Promotion Optimization Problem" invention disclosure filed September 2013 (M. Cohen, Z. Leung, K. Panchamgam and G. Perakis)
- US Patent App. 14/942,225 - “Computerized Promotion Price Scheduling Utilizing Multiple Product Demand”, invention disclosure filed Fall 2015 (M. Cohen, J. Kalas, K. Panchamgam and G. Perakis)
- US Patent App. 15/080,759 - “Personalized Bundle Recommendation System and Method” invention disclosure submitted January 2016 (M. Ettl, A. Hampapur, P. Harsha, A. Papush and G. Perakis)
- ORA170518-US-NP (O-441)- “Computer System and Method to Predict Customer Behavior Based on Inter-Customer Influences and to Control Distribution of Electronic Messages" disclosure submitted Summer 2017 (L. Baardman, S. Borjian Boroujeni, T. Cohen, K. Panchamgam, G. Perakis)