- "Mortgage Lock-In, Mobility, and Labor Reallocation" by Fonseca and Liu (NBER Summer Institute Real Estate 2023)
- "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul? The Redistribution of Wealth Caused by Rent Control" by Ahern and Giacoletti (AEA 2023 Housing Policies and Affordability)
- "Credit Fire Sales: Captive Lending as Liquidity in Distress" by Benetton, Mayordomo, and Paravisini (NBER Summer Institute Capital Markets and the Economy)
- "Shadow Bank Distress and Household Debt Relief: Evidence from CARES Act" by Cherry, Jiang, Matvos, Piskorski, and Seru (AEA 2022)
- "Who Pays the Price? Overdraft Fee Ceilings and the Unbanked" by Dlugosz, Melzer, and Morgan (Federal Reserve Day Ahead Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions)
- "Global Capital and Local Assets: House Prices, Quantities, and Elasticities" by Gorback and Keys (WFA 2021 Puzzles in Residential Real Estate)
- "Testing Models of Economic Discrimination Using the Discretionary Markup of Indirect Auto Loans" by Lanning (NBER Inequality, Discrimination, and the Financial System)
- "Does Increasing Access to Formal Credit Reduce Payday Borrowing?" by Miller and Soo (NBER Summer Institute Corporate Finance 2020)
- "Paying Too Much? Price Dispersion in the US Mortgage Market" by Bhutta, Fuster, and Hizmo (AEA 2020)
- "The Gender Gap in Housing Returns" by Goldsmith-Pinkham and Shue (NBER Behavioral Finance 2019)
- "How Monetary Policy Shaped the Housing Boom" by Drechsler, Savov, and Schnabl (Columbia New Topics in Banking)
- "State Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy: the Refinancing Channel" by Eichenbaum, Rebelo, and Wong (AEA 2019)
- "The Equilibrium Effects of Information Deletion: Evidence from Consumer Credit Markets" by Liberman, Neilson, Opazo, and Zimmerman (Red Rock Finance Conference 2018)
- "Betting the House: The Role of Homeownership in Marital Commitment and Child Investments" by Lafortune and Low (NBER Summer Institute Real Estate 2018)
- "Monetary Stimulus and Bank Lending" by Chakraborty, Goldstein, MacKinlay (AEA 2018)
- "Vintage Effects in Loan Default Models" by Haughwout, Tracy, and van der Klaauw (2017 Stress Testing Research Conference)
- "The Effects of Rent Control Expansion on Tenants, Landlords, and Inequality: Evidence from San Francisco" by Diamond, McQuade, and Qian (NBER Summer Institute Real Estate 2017)
- "Social Networks and Housing Markets" by Bailey, Cao, Kuchler, and Stroebel (NBER Summer Institute Corporate Finance 2017)
- "Fintech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and the Rise of Shadow Banks" by Buchak, Matvos, Piskorski, and Seru (Kellogg New Developments in Consumer Finance 2017)
- "Are Lemons Sold First? Dynamic Signaling in the Mortgage Market" by Adelino, Gerardi, and Hartman-Glaser (AFA 2017)
- "Inattention and Inertia in Household Finance: Evidence from the Danish Mortgage Market" by Andersen, Campbell, Nielsen, Ramadorai (Imperial-FCA Consumer Choice in Mortgage Markets Conference)
- "Stimulating Housing Markets" by Berger, Turner, and Zwick (NBER Summer Institute 2016)
- "Deep Learning for Mortgage Risk" by Giesecke, Sirignano, and Sadhwani (Macro Financial Modeling 2016)
- "The Real Effects of Liquidity During the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Automobiles" by Benmelech, Meisenzahl, and Ramcharan (Red Rock Finance Conference 2016)
- "Adverse Selection on Maturity: Evidence from Online Consumer Credit" by Hertzberg, Liberman, and Paravisini (Berkeley Crowdfunding Symposium 2015)
Contact Information
Christopher J. Palmer
Associate Professor, Finance
MIT Sloan School of Management
100 Main St
Cambridge, MA 02142
Office Number E62-639Email cjpalmer@mit.eduPhone Number (617) 324-3901Connect with Christopher