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(15.871) Introduction to System Dynamics

  • Introduction to systems thinking and system dynamics modeling applied to strategy, organizational change, and policy design. Students use simulation models, management flight simulators, and case studies to develop conceptual and modeling skills for the design and management of high-performance organizations in a dynamic world. Case studies of successful applications of system dynamics in growth strategy, management of technology, operations, supply chains, product development, and others. Principles for effective use of modeling in the real world. Meets with 15.8741 first half of term when offered concurrently. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking half-term graduate version; consult syllabus or instructor for specific details.

(15.872) System Dynamics II

  • Continuation of 15.871, emphasizing tools and methods needed to apply systems thinking and simulation modeling successfully in complex real-world settings. Uses simulation models, management flight simulators, and case studies to deepen the conceptual and modeling skills introduced in 15.871. Through models and case studies of successful applications students learn how to use qualitative and quantitative data to formulate and test models, and how to work effectively with senior executives to implement change successfully. Prerequisite for further work in the field. Meets with 15.8741 second half of term when offered concurrently. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking half-term graduate version; consult syllabus or instructor for specific details.

(15.879) Research Seminar in System Dynamics

  • Doctoral level seminar in system dynamics modeling, with a focus on social, economic and technical systems. Covers classic works in dynamic modeling from various disciplines and current research problems and papers. Participants critique the theories and models, often including replication, testing, and improvement of various models, and lead class discussion. Topics vary from year to year.