Published Papers
- "Tax Rates and Corporate Decision Making." Graham, John, Michelle Hanlon, and Terry Shevlin. Review of Financial Studies. Forthcoming.
- Winner, 2015 FARS Conference Best Paper Award
- "When Does the Peer Information Environment Matter?" Shroff, Nemit, Rodrigo Verdi, and Benjamin P. Yost. Journal of Accounting and Economics. Forthcoming.
- Presented at the 2016 JAE Conference
- "Regulatory Oversight and Auditor Market Share." Aobdia, Daniel, and Nemit Shroff. Journal of Accounting and Economics Vol. 63, No. 2-3 (2017): 262-287.
- "Corporate Investment and Changes in GAAP." Shroff, Nemit. Review of Accounting Studies Vol. 22, No. 1 (2017): 1-63.
- Winner, 2014 American Accounting Association Competitive Manuscript Award
- Winner, 2011 American Accounting Association Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Best Dissertation Award
- Winner, 2012 Ross School of Business Emeritus Award
- Finalist, 2011 ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award at the Univeristy of Michigan
- “Does Auditor Regulatory Oversight Affect Corporate Financing and Investment Decisions?” Kausar, Asad, Nemit Shroff, and Hal White. Journal of Accounting and Economics Vol. 62, No. 1 (2016): 157-181.
- "The Impact of Ambiguity on Managerial Investment and Cash Holdings." Neamtiu, Monica, Nemit Shroff, Hal White and Christopher D. Williams. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting Vol. 41, No. 7-8 (2014): 1071-1099.
- "Incentives for Tax Planning and Avoidance: Evidence from the Field." Graham, John R., Michelle Hanlon, Terry Shevlin and Nemit Shroff. The Accounting Review Vol. 89, No. 3 (2014): 991-1024.
- Winner, 2017 ATA Manuscript Award
- "Information Environment and the Investment Decisions of Multinationals Corporations." Shroff, Nemit, Rodrigo Verdi, and Gwen Yu. The Accounting Review Vol. 89, No. 2 (2014): 759-790.
- "The Effect of Tax Authority Monitoring and Enforcement on Financial Reporting Quality." Hanlon, Michelle, Jeffrey L. Hoopes and Nemit Shroff. Journal of American Taxation Association Vol. 36, No. 2 (2014): 137-170.
- "Management Forecast Quality and Capital Investment Decisions." Goodman, Ted, Monica Neamtiu, Nemit Shroff and Hal White. The Accounting Review Vol. 89, No. 1 (2014): 331-365.
- "Externalities of Public Firm Presence: Evidence from Private Firms’ Investment Decisions." Badertscher, Brad, Nemit Shroff and Hal White. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 109, No. 3 (2013): 682-706.
- "Voluntary Disclosure and Information Asymmetry: Evidence from the 2005 Securities Offering Reform." Shroff, Nemit, Amy X. Sun, Hal D. White and Weining Zhang. Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 51, No. 5 (2013): 1299-1345.
Non-Peer Reviewed & Lightly Reviewed Papers
- "Why Regulate Private Firm Disclosure and Auditing?" Minnis, Michael, and Nemit Shroff. Accounting and Business Research Vol. 47, No. 5 (2017): 473-502.
- "Discussion of 'Is the Risk of Product Market Predation a Cost of Disclosure?'" Shroff, Nemit. Journal of Accounting and Economics Vol. 62, No. 2-3 (2016): 326-332.
Working Papers
- A Re-Examination of Management Forecasts Around Seasoned Equity Offerings
- With Amy Sun, Hal White, and Weining Zhang
- Real Effects of Financial Reporting Quality and Credibility: Evidence from the PCAOB Regulatory Regime
- Finalist, 2016 FARS Conference Best Paper Award