- 2024: First prize. INFORMS William Pierskalla Award for Best Paper in Healthcare Management Science. For Policy Optimization for Personalized Interventions in Behavioral Health.
- 2024: Second prize. MSOM Society Award for Responsible Research. For The Policy Case for Designating EMS Teams for Vulnerable Patient Populations: Evidence from an Intervention in Boston.
- 2023: M&SOM Meritorious Service Award.
- 2022: M&SOM Meritorious Service Award.
- 2022: Finalist. M&SOM Best Paper Award. For Recovering from Critical Incidents: Evidence from Paramedic Performance.
- 2021: Finalist. MSOM Service Management Special Interest Group Best Paper Award. For The Variance Learning Curve.
- 2021: Finalist. INFORMS William Pierskalla Award for Best Paper in Healthcare Management Science. For Improving TB Treatment Adherence Support: The Case for Targeted Behavioral Interventions.
- 2021: Finalist. INFORMS Sanjay and Panna Mehrotra Research Excellence Award.
- 2021: First prize. M&SOM Practice-Based Research Competition. For Redesigning Sample Transportation in Malawi Through Improved Data Sharing and Daily Route Optimization.
- 2021: Second price. Best Paper Competition of the College of Healthcare Operations Management (CHOM) of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). For Redesigning Sample Transportation in Malawi Through Improved Data Sharing and Daily Route Optimization.
- 2020: M&SOM Meritorious Service Award.
- 2020: Improving HIV early infant diagnosis supply chains in sub-Saharan Africa: Models and application to Mozambique featured as one of 100 papers selected by the Financial Times as Business School Papers with Social Impact.
- 2020: First prize (Emma Gibson, ORC PhD Student), INFORMS Doing Good With Good OR student paper competition. For Redesigning Sample Transportation in Malawi Through Improved Data Sharing and Daily Route Optimization.
- 2019: M&SOM Meritorious Service Award.
- 2019: Finalist. MSOM Responsible Research competition. For Improving HIV early infant diagnosis supply chains in sub-Saharan Africa: Models and application to Mozambique.
- 2017: Grand Challenges Exploration award from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- 2015: Bonder Scholar Research Grant.
- 2015: Deloitte Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (DIIE) PhD Stipend Award.
- 2014: First Prize, MSOM student paper competition. For Improving HIV early infant diagnosis supply chains in sub-Saharan Africa: Models and application to Mozambique.
- 2014: Seth Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Health Services.
- 2014: ICEIDA (Icelandic International Development Agency) doctoral scholarship.
Contact Information
Jónas Oddur Jónasson
Robert G. James Career Development Associate Professor in Operations Management
Associate Professor, Operations Management
MIT Sloan School of Management
100 Main St
Cambridge, MA 02142
Office Number E62-588Email joj@mit.eduPhone Number (617) 715-5109Connect with Jónas