Published papers
- “Activated Benders Decomposition for Day-ahead Paratransit Itinerary Planning."
Kayla Cummings, Alexandre Jacquillat, and Vikrant Vaze. INFORMS Journal on Computing, accepted, 2024.
[Finalist, Dupačová-Prékopa Best Student Paper in Stochastic Programming, Kayla Cummings (2023)] - “Robotic warehousing operations: a learn-then-optimize approach to large-scale neighborhood search."
Cynthia Barnhart, Alexandre Jacquillat, and Alexandria Schmid. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, accepted, 2024. - “Branch-and-price for prescriptive contagion analytics."
Alexandre Jacquillat, Martin Ramé, and Kai Wang. Operations Research, accepted, 2024. - “Scenario-based Robust Optimization for Decision-making under Binary Uncertainty."
Kai Wang, Mehmet Aydemir, and Alexandre Jacquillat. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 6(2):84-117, 2024.
[Winner, Best Applied Paper, INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics (2020)] - “Probabilistic bounds on the k-Traveling Salesman Problem and the Traveling Repairman Problem."
Moise Blanchard, Alexandre Jacquillat, and Patrick Jaillet. Mathematics of Operations Research, 49(2):1169-1191, 2024.
[Winner, INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics Best Student Paper, Moise Blanchard (2023)] - “Day-ahead aircraft routing with data-driven primary delay predictions."
Sebastian Birolini and Alexandre Jacquillat. European Journal of Operational Research, 310(1):379-396, 2023. - “Optimized Scenario Reduction: Solving Large-scale Stochastic Programs with Quality Guarantees."
Wei Zhang, Alexandre Jacquillat, Kai Wang, and Shuaian Wang. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 35(4):886-908, 2023. - “Managing airfares under competition: Insights from a field experiment."
Maxime Cohen, Alexandre Jacquilat, and Juan Camilo Serpa. Management Science, 69(10):6076-6108, 2023.
[Winner, Best Technical Presentation, AGIFORS Annual Symposium (2018)] - “Routing Optimization with Vehicle-Customer Coordination."
Wei Zhang, Alexandre Jacquillat, Kai Wang, and Shuaian Wang. Management Science, 69(11):6876-6897, 2023.
[Winner, INFORMS Computing Society Harvey Greenberg Research Award (2023)] - “Price Discrimination and Inventory Allocation in Bertrand Competition."
Maxime Cohen, Alexandre Jacquilat, and Haotian Song. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(1):148-167, 2023. - “Passenger-centric slot allocation at schedule-coordinated airports."
Sebastian Birolini, Alexandre Jacquilat, Phillip Schmedeman, and Nuno Ribeiro. Transportation Science, 57(1):4-26, 2022. - “Vertiport Planning for Urban Aerial Mobility: An Adaptive Discretization Approach."
Kai Wang, Alexandre Jacquillat, and Vikrant Vaze. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(6):3215-3235, 2022. - “The impact of high-occupancy vehicle lanes on carpooling."
Maxime Cohen, Alexandre Jacquillat, Avia Ratzon, and Roy Sasson. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 165: 186-206, 2022. - “Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics toward Passenger-centric Ground Delay Programs."
Alexandre Jacquillat. Transportation Science, 56(2):265-298, 2022.
[Winner, Transportation Science Journal Paper of the Year (2023)] - “Optimal Transit Planning: Interactions with Ride-hailing, Congestion and Passenger Choice."
Keji Wei, Vikrant Vaze, and Alexandre Jacquillat. Transportation Science, 56(3):725-749, 2022. - “Primary vs. Secondary Infrastructure Capacity Allocation Mechanisms."
Alexandre Jacquillat, Vikrant Vaze, and Weilong Wang. European Journal of Operational Research, 303(2):668-687, 2022. - “Airline Network Planning: Mixed-integer non-convex optimization with demand–supply interactions."
Sebastian Birolini, Alexandre Jacquillat, Mattia Cattaneo, and António Pais Antunes. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 56(2):265-298, 2022. - “Where to locate COVID-19 mass vaccination centers?"
Dimitris Bertsimas, Vassilis Digalakis, Alexandre Jacquillat, Michael Li, and Alessandro Previero. Naval Research Logistics, 69(2):179-200, 2022.
[Winner, Harold W. Kuhn Award (2024)] - “From predictions to prescriptions: A data-driven response to COVID-19"
Dimitris Bertsimas, Leonard Boussioux, Ryan Cory-Wright, Arthur Delarue, Vassilis Digalakis, Alexandre Jacquillat, Driss Lahlou Kitane, Galit Lukin, Michael Li, Luca Mingardi, Omid Nohadani, Agni Orfanoudaki, Theodore Papalexopoulos, Ivan Paskov, Jean Pauphilet, Omar Skali Lami, Bartolomeo Stellato, Hamza Tazi Bouardi, Kimberly Villalobos Carballo, and Holly Wiberg. Health Care Management Science, 24:253–272, 2021.
[Winner, Pierskalla Award, INFORMS Health Applications Society (2020)] - “Strategic Timing and Dynamic Pricing for Online Resource Allocation."
Vibhanshu Abhishek, Mustafa Dogan, and Alexandre Jacquillat. Management Science, 67(8):4880-4907, 2021. - “A Stochastic Integer Programming Approach to Air Traffic Scheduling and Operations."
Kai Wang, and Alexandre Jacquillat. Operations Research, 68(5):1375-1402, 2020.
[Winner, INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics Best Paper Prize (2021)]
[Winner, INFORMS Aviation Applications Section Best Paper Prize (2020)] - “Dynamic Airline Disruption Management under Airport Operating Uncertainty."
Jane Lee, Lavanya Marla and Alexandre Jacquillat. Transportation Science, 54(4):973-997, 2020. - “Airline Timetable Development and Fleet Assignment Incorporating Passenger Choice."
Keji Wei, Vikrant Vaze, and Alexandre Jacquillat. Transportation Science, 54(1):139-163, 2020.
[Winner, Anna Valicek Award for best student paper (Keji Wei), AGIFORS Annual Symposium (2019)] - “Optimal Escort Dispatch for Airport Travelers with Reduced Mobility."
Rick Grahn, and Alexandre Jacquillat. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 111:421-438, 2020. - “A Large-scale Neighborhood Search Approach to Airport Slot Allocation."
Nuno Ribeiro, Alexandre Jacquillat, and António Pais Antunes. Transportation Science, 53(6):1772-1797, 2019.
[Winner, INFORMS Aviation Applications Section Best Paper Prize (2020)] - “Improving Slot Allocation at Level 3 Airports."
Nuno Ribeiro, Alexandre Jacquillat, António Pais Antunes, and Amedeo Odoni. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 127:32-54, 2019. - “Interairline Equity in Airport Scheduling Interventions."
Alexandre Jacquillat, and Vikrant Vaze. Transportation Science, 52(4):941-964, 2018.
[Winner, INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics Outstanding Paper, Air Transportation (2019)] - “An Optimization Approach for Airport Slot Allocation under IATA Guidelines."
Nuno Ribeiro, Alexandre Jacquillat, António Pais Antunes, Amedeo Odoni, and João P. Pita. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 112: 132-156, 2018.
[Winner, Anna Valicek Award for best student paper (Nuno Ribeiro), AGIFORS Annual Symposium (2018)] - “A Roadmap toward Airport Demand and Capacity Management."
Alexandre Jacquillat, and Amedeo Odoni. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 114: 168-185, 2018. - “Dynamic Control of Runway Configurations and Arrival and Departure Service Rates at JFK Airport under Stochastic Queue Conditions."
Alexandre Jacquillat, Amedeo Odoni, and Mort Webster. Transportation Science, 51(1):155-176, 2017.
[Winner, Anna Valicek Award for best student paper, AGIFORS Annual Symposium (2013)] - “A New Airport Demand Management Approach based on Targeted Scheduling Interventions."
Alexandre Jacquillat, and Amedeo Odoni. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 51(2):115-138, 2017. - “Airport Demand Management: The Operations Research and Economics Perspectives and Potential Synergies."
David Gillen, Alexandre Jacquillat, and Amedeo Odoni. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94: 495-513, 2016. - “An Integrated Scheduling and Operations Approach to Airport Congestion Mitigation."
Alexandre Jacquillat, and Amedeo Odoni. Operations Research, 63(6):1390-1410, 2015.
[Winner, INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics Best Paper Prize (2017)]
[Winner, INFORMS George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award (2015)]
[Winner, INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics Dissertation Prize (2015)]
[Winner, Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award for Best PhD Dissertation in transportation science and technology, Council of University Transportation Centers (2015)] - “Endogenous Control of Arrival and Departure Service Rates in Dynamic and Stochastic Queuing Models with Application at JFK and EWR."
Alexandre Jacquillat, and Amedeo Odoni. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 73:133-151, 2015.
Papers under review and working papers
- “Design and optimization of demand-responsive microtransit systems."
Kayla Cummings, Alexandre Jacquillat, Bernardo Martin-Iradi, and Alexandria Schmid. under major revision at Operations Research. - “On-demand Service Sharing via Collective Dynamic Pricing."
Mustafa Dogan and Alexandre Jacquillat. under major revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. - “Optimizing relay operations toward sustainable logistics."
Alexandre Jacquillat, Alexandria Schmid, and Kai Wang. under major revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. - “Value of sharing in Robots-as-a-Service operations."
Alexandre Jacquillat, Sébastien Martin, and Kai Wang. - “Optimizing Urban Air Mobility Operations in a Corridor Network."
Alexandre Jacquillat, and Spencer McDonald. - “Online Rack Placement in Large-scale Data Centers."
Saumil Baxi, Kayla Cummings, Alexandre Jacquillat, Sean Lo, Rob McDonald, Konstantina Mellou, Ishai Menache, and Marco Molinaro - “Subpath-based decomposition for the electric vehicle routing problem."
Alexandre Jacquillat and Sean Lo
[Finalist, INFORMS Transportation and Logistics Best Student Paper, Sean Lo (2024)] - “Learning to cover: online learning and optimization with irreversible decisions."
Alexandre Jacquillat and Michael Li - “AI to safety: a targeted warning system on the roads."
Philippe Adjiman, Maxime Cohen, David Fresco, Alexandre Jacquillat and Roy Sasson - “Optimizing Wildfire Suppression: A branch-and-price-and-cut approach."
Alexandre Jacquillat and Jacob Wachspress