Featured Research
"Medical Progress and Health Care Finance: Evidence from Academic Medical Centers." Azoulay, Pierre, Misty Heggeness, and Jennifer Kao. Research Policy Vol. 54, No. 2 (2025): 105163.
"Does Peer Review Penalize Scientific Risk Taking? Evidence from NIH Grant Renewals." Pierre Azoulay and Wesley H. Greenblatt, Working Paper. February 2025. NBER Working Paper #33495.
"Old Moats for New Models: Openness, Control, and Competition in Generative AI." Azoulay, Pierre, Joshua L. Krieger, and Abhishek Nagaraj. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy Vol. 4, (2025): 7-46. Article online. NBER Working Paper #32474.
Media Mentions
The value of funding the NIH
A new study published in the journal Science finds that NIH funding generates large spillovers from the lab to commercial activity.
Do the Deaths of Top Scientists Make Way for New Growth?
A study suggests that after prominent scientists die, their fields see an influx of work from lesser-known researchers.
For Entrepreneurs, 45 Is The New 25
New research forthcoming in American Economic Review: Insights casts doubt on the idea that youth is advantageous when it comes to entrepreneurial success.